Worship the Lord Through Giving

Your financial support makes the ministry and mission of New Life Church possible.

Thank you for your generosity!

Donors will receive a tax receipt via mail at tax time.

In-person giving is welcome during Sunday service.

Other Ways to Give

  • Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Mail: 7184 Club Drive Odessa, TX 79762

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.